18 Things Never To Do When You Are On Your Periods

Things Never To Do When You Are On Your Periods

Considering all the time you spend with your period, it’s still pretty damn mysterious. So to find out more, we spoke with two expert OB-Gyms: Dr. Lauren Stretcher, associate clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University’s medical school, and author of Love $ex Again; and Dr. Mary Jane Min-kin, clinical professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at Yale School of Medicine. It is the time of the month when any woman is prone to be irritated. The monthly visitor in women makes them fussy. There are always rules with women to follow when they are on their period. Some don't take some food and some quit their gym trip. Here are 6 absolutely no-nos when you are on your menstrual cycle! Now, let’s get down to it:

Unsafe $ex

 1456822893_01 Just because you are on your menstrual cycle, it doesn't mean you must forego all your $exual desires. It is safe to have protected $ex during your period. Unprotected $ex is a big no in your period. Your v@gina will have a higher pH value than normal and a higher pH means more prone to yeast infection. HIV gets transmitted more often during a $exual intercourse when you are in the period as the virus is present in the blood. It is always better to be safe when you are on those days of the month as you would be weaker than usual

You can get a monthly period and still not be ~regular~.

 First of all, a “normal” period totally depends on the person. The average cycle is 28 days, but if you get your period every 23 days or every 30 days, that’s normal, too. What’s NOT regular is if the length of your cycle changes from month to month. So if you sometimes have 23 days between periods and sometimes have 30 days, that’s considered irregular — even though you’re still getting a period once a month. It might also be a sign that you’re not ovulating, says Streicher. First of all, a “normal” period totally depends on the person. The average cycle is 28 days, but if you get your period every 23 days or every 30 days, that’s normal, too. What’s NOT regular is if the length of your cycle changes from month to month. So if you sometimes have 23 days between periods and sometimes have 30 days, that’s considered irregular — even though you’re still getting a period once a month. It might also be a sign that you’re not ovulating, says Stretcher.


A missing period isn’t always a sign of pregnancy… but it usually is

 The most common cause of a missing period (if you’re of childbearing age) is pregnancy, says Streicher. But that’s obviously not the only reason it can be MIA. It could be stress, weight changes, extreme diet or exercise changes, or a whole host of health conditions (we’ll get to those in a bit). If you’re worried about it, check with your doctor. The most common cause of a missing period (if you’re of childbearing age) is pregnancy, says Streicher. But that’s obviously not the only reason it can be MIA. It could be stress, weight changes, extreme diet or exercise changes, or a whole host of health conditions (we’ll get to those in a bit). If you’re worried about it, check with your doctor

It is totally fine and healthy to get no period at all while on birth control.

 Like we said, it’s basically an impostor period, so if you have little to no bleeding while using the pill/ring/implant/IUD, that’s completely fine, says Minkin. Don’t ask questions, just go with it. Like we said, it’s basically an impostor period, so if you have little to no bleeding while using the pill/ring/implant/IUD, that’s completely fine, says Minkin. Don’t ask questions, just go with it.

Say No to food

 Oh! yes. You would be tired and it would make you feel like skipping your meal for the day. Never do that on your menstrual cycle. You might feel bloated as your digestive system gets changed. Skipping meals is not a solution. When you skip food, your already emotional mental state may become worse and you might want to feel unhappy with a lot of pain. Healthy nutritious food is a must for you Oh! yes. You would be tired and it would make you feel like skipping your meal for the day. Never do that on your menstrual cycle. You might feel bloated as your digestive system gets changed. Skipping meals is not a solution. When you skip food, your already emotional mental state may become worse and you might want to feel unhappy with a lot of pain. Healthy nutritious food is a must for you

The best way to beat period cramps is by taking an OTC pain reliever BEFORE they start.

 Don’t be a hero. Cramps are caused by something called prostaglandins, which are released during your period. But taking an anti-inflammatory like Motrin or ibuprofen can actually block the production of more prostaglandins. “The mistake everyone makes is that they think they should use as little medication as possible,” says Streicher. “If you start to take medication the day before you get your period or the minute you see that first drop of blood, not only will it dramatically decrease cramping, but it will also decrease bleeding.” If your cramps are severe, hormonal birth control can also keep prostaglandins in check. But if you’ve tried all that and you’re still curled up in the fetal position every month, see your doctor to make sure it’s not something else. (Awesome cross-stitch via Etsy.) Don’t be a hero. Cramps are caused by something called prostaglandins, which are released during your period. But taking an anti-inflammatory like Motrin or ibuprofen can actually block the production of more prostaglandins. “The mistake everyone makes is that they think they should use as little medication as possible,” says Streicher. “If you start to take medication the day before you get your period or the minute you see that first drop of blood, not only will it dramatically decrease cramping, but it will also decrease bleeding.”
If your cramps are severe, hormonal birth control can also keep prostaglandins in check. But if you’ve tried all that and you’re still curled up in the fetal position every month, see your doctor to make sure it’s not something else.
(Awesome cross-stitch via Etsy.

PMS is seriously no joke, and it’s all your hormones’ fault.

 Whether you get monthly moodiness, acne, migraines, diarrhea, exhaustion, anxiety, or even clumsiness, it might be related to the hormonal changes that occur during your period, says Minkin. Of course, if these things also occur during other times of the month, it might not be all your period’s fault, so it’s worth talking to a doctor if any of these are new or they seriously interfere with your daily life. Whether you get monthly moodiness, acne, migraines, diarrhea, exhaustion, anxiety, or even clumsiness, it might be related to the hormonal changes that occur during your period, says Minkin. Of course, if these things also occur during other times of the month, it might not be all your period’s fault, so it’s worth talking to a doctor if any of these are new or they seriously interfere with your daily life.

A little ~odor~ during or after your period is also normal, but there’s no need for scented tampons.

 “The inside of the vagina should not smell, and all of those chemicals and perfumes and stuff can be irritating,” says Streicher. That said, it’s not uncommon for you to have some odor with your period, since your vaginal pH levels can get thrown out of whack. Just make sure you’re cleaning your genitals safely and you should be fine “The inside of the vagina should not smell, and all of those chemicals and perfumes and stuff can be irritating,” says Streicher. That said, it’s not uncommon for you to have some odor with your period, since your vaginal pH levels can get thrown out of whack. Just make sure you’re cleaning your genitals safely and you should be fine


Too Much Strain

 Let everything else wait! No rush. When you rush through things when you are on your period, you probably will get it wrong! Never take up too much to study or work on your period. It is always nice to try new things every day but take special care on your period days as you might feel exerted if you do a lot on those days of the month. Let everything else wait! No rush. When you rush through things when you are on your period, you probably will get it wrong! Never take up too much to study or work on your period. It is always nice to try new things every day but take special care on your period days as you might feel exerted if you do a lot on those days of the month.

Say No To Junk

 You are probably too tired to hit the road on the car. Skip the Drive through! A fast food junkie on your period day could be more harmful than what you imagine. Oily fries could make you feel bloated and trust us, you will not enjoy a bloated up feel on your period. Switch to healthier alternatives. Take a salad or two to munch on! You are probably too tired to hit the road on the car. Skip the Drive through! A fast food junkie on your period day could be more harmful than what you imagine. Oily fries could make you feel bloated and trust us, you will not enjoy a bloated up feel on your period. Switch to healthier alternatives. Take a salad or two to munch on!

Boring Work

 A boring work could ruin your mood. It is very common to be prone to emotional turmoils when you are in your menstrual cycle. Say no to work. If it is a boring one, take a day or two off. A healthy work could stimulate your positive energy and make you feel better. If you are a person who hates your workplace, it is better you stay away from it on those days of the month. A boring work could ruin your mood. It is very common to be prone to emotional turmoils when you are in your menstrual cycle. Say no to work. If it is a boring one, take a day or two off. A healthy work could stimulate your positive energy and make you feel better. If you are a person who hates your workplace, it is better you stay away from it on those days of the month.

Spotting between periods is usually no big deal

Some people bleed a little bit during ovulation (around the middle of your cycle), but it can also happen for hormonal reasons or when you’re getting used to a new birth control method. It’s generally nothing to worry about, but if it happens all the time, tell your doctor.
Some people bleed a little bit during ovulation (around the middle of your cycle), but it can also happen for hormonal reasons or when you’re getting used to a new birth control method. It’s generally nothing to worry about, but if it happens all the time, tell your doctor.

Your period can start ~changing~ as early as your late 30s.

The average age to go through menopause is 51, but it’s not uncommon to notice some perimenopausal changes in your late 30s or early 40s, says Minkin.
The average age to go through menopause is 51, but it’s not uncommon to notice some perimenopausal changes in your late 30s or early 40s, says Minkin.

Getting your period while pregnant is kind of possible.

OK, it’s not a real period, but about a third of women report bleeding in the first few months of their pregnancy, says Minkin. So it can look an awful lot like a period and it can definitely confuse people.
OK, it’s not a real period, but about a third of women report bleeding in the first few months of their pregnancy, says Minkin. So it can look an awful lot like a period and it can definitely confuse people.

It’s normal for your genitals to feel a little tender and sensitive around your period.

Research shows your pain receptors actually change during your period, says Minkin. So maybe don’t schedule a wax right before you’re gonna bleed. It totally depends on the person, but feeling more sensitive down there (in a good way or bad way) is very normal.
Research shows your pain receptors actually change during your period, says Minkin. So maybe don’t schedule a wax right before you’re gonna bleed. It totally depends on the person, but feeling more sensitive down there (in a good way or bad way) is very normal.

Passing little clots in your period is normal, too


They seem like a sign of impending death, but they’re actually nothing to worry about. “Clots mean that you’re bleeding heavily, but it’s not an indication of a specific problem, says Streicher.
They seem like a sign of impending death, but they’re actually nothing to worry about. “Clots mean that you’re bleeding heavily, but it’s not an indication of a specific problem, says Streicher.

But if you’re soaking through a pad or tampon more than every two hours, that might be an issue.

Super-heavy bleeding isn’t fun, and it might be a sign that you have a hormonal irregularity, infection or polyp, says Minkin. So if you’re running through pads and tampons like crazy, call your gyno.
Super-heavy bleeding isn’t fun, and it might be a sign that you have a hormonal irregularity, infection or polyp, says Minkin. So if you’re running through pads and tampons like crazy, call your gyno.

In general, the only reason you should see your doctor about your period is if it changes drastically

Like you’re suddenly bleeding A LOT, your period is lasting way longer than it usually does, or it’s been missing since February. Again, it’s probably nothing, but check with your doctor just in case, says Streicher.
Like you’re suddenly bleeding A LOT, your period is lasting way longer than it usually does, or it’s been missing since February. Again, it’s probably nothing, but check with your doctor just in case, says Streicher.

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